UseViral Review

UseViral Review: Features, How To Use, Pricing, Pros & Cons

Are you curious about and its potential impact on your online presence? How can this platform help boost your social media engagement and follower count? is a social media growth service that offers to increase followers and engagement across various platforms. It claims to provide real followers and interactions, aiming to enhance your online visibility and reach.


To use effectively, start by selecting your desired social media platform and growth package. Monitor your results closely and adjust your strategy as needed to maximize the benefits for your online presence.

What is UseViral?

UseViral is a social media growth service that offers various engagement boosting options across multiple platforms. The company aims to help users increase their online visibility, engagement rates, and follower counts through its services. UseViral positions itself as a solution for those looking to jumpstart their social media presence or overcome growth plateaus.

Founded in the late 2010s, UseViral has grown to become a prominent player in the social media growth industry. The company’s core philosophy is based on the idea that initial social proof can lead to organic growth. By providing users with likes, followers, views, and other engagement metrics, UseViral aims to create a snowball effect that attracts genuine engagement over time.

UseViral offers services for a wide range of social media and AI platforms, including:

  1. Instagram
  2. YouTube
  3. TikTok
  4. Twitter
  5. Facebook
  6. Spotify
  7. SoundCloud
  8. LinkedIn
  9. Twitch
  10. Pinterest

The company claims to use a network of real users to provide engagement, rather than bots or fake accounts. This approach is designed to make the growth appear more natural and to comply with the terms of service of various social media platforms.

Key Features of UseViral

UseViral offers a variety of features designed to boost social media presence across multiple platforms. Here’s a detailed look at its key offerings:

Multi-platform Support:

One of UseViral’s primary strengths is its ability to provide services across numerous social media platforms. This allows users to maintain a consistent growth strategy across their entire online presence.

Customizable Packages:

UseViral offers flexible packages that allow users to choose the exact number of likes, followers, views, or other engagement metrics they want to purchase. This customization enables users to tailor their growth strategy to their specific needs and budget.

Gradual Delivery:

To make the growth appear more natural, UseViral delivers the purchased engagement gradually over time. This feature is designed to prevent sudden spikes in engagement that might trigger suspicion from social media algorithms.

Targeting Options:

For some platforms, UseViral offers targeting options that allow users to specify the demographics of the engagement they receive. This can include factors like location, age, and interests, helping to ensure that the new engagement is relevant to the user’s content and audience.

Retention Guarantee:

UseViral offers a retention guarantee for many of its services. If the provided likes, followers, or views drop below the purchased amount within a specified time frame, UseViral promises to replenish them at no additional cost.

24/7 Customer Support:

The company provides round-the-clock customer support to address any questions or concerns users may have about their services.

Secure Payment Options:

UseViral offers various secure payment methods, including credit cards and PayPal, to ensure user transactions are protected.

No Password Required:

For most services, UseViral doesn’t require users to provide their social media passwords. This feature is designed to enhance security and user trust.

Analytics Dashboard:

Some packages include access to an analytics dashboard that allows users to track the progress of their purchased engagement.

Drip-feed Option:

For users looking for even more gradual growth, UseViral offers a drip-feed option that delivers engagement over an extended period.


Buy Instagram Likes offers a service to buy Instagram likes, aiming to boost post engagement quickly. This platform claims to provide real-looking likes from active accounts, potentially increasing your content’s visibility and attracting organic followers.


However, buying Instagram likes goes against the platform’s terms of service and can risk your account’s credibility. While may promise fast results, it’s important to consider the potential downsides. Instead, focus on creating quality content, engaging with your audience, and using relevant hashtags to grow your Instagram presence naturally. This approach, though slower, builds a genuine following and maintains your account’s integrity in the long run.

Is Legit?

The legitimacy of social media growth services like UseViral is a topic of much debate in the digital marketing community. While UseViral appears to be a legitimate business in terms of its operations, there are several factors to consider when evaluating its legitimacy and potential risks:


Positive Indicators:

Established Business: UseViral has been operating for several years and has served numerous clients, which can be seen as a sign of legitimacy.


Secure Website: The website uses HTTPS protocol, indicating that they take measures to protect user data.


Transparent Services: UseViral clearly outlines its services and pricing on its website.


Customer Support: The company offers 24/7 customer support, suggesting a commitment to customer service.


Payment Security: UseViral uses secure payment gateways, which is a positive sign for a legitimate business.


Potential Concerns:

Terms of Service Violations: Using services to artificially inflate engagement metrics may violate the terms of service of many social media platforms. This could potentially lead to penalties or account suspensions.


Quality of Engagement: While UseViral claims to use real users, there’s always a risk that the engagement comes from low-quality accounts or those not genuinely interested in the content.


Long-term Effectiveness: While these services may provide a short-term boost, they may not translate to long-term, genuine engagement or follower growth.


Ethical Considerations: Some view the use of such services as unethical or misleading to potential followers or customers.


Potential Algorithm Penalties: Social media algorithms are increasingly sophisticated and may be able to detect and penalize artificial growth tactics.


Legal Status:

It’s important to note that while UseViral’s business operations appear to be legal, the use of their services may violate the terms of service of social media platforms. This puts the legality of using such services in a gray area.


Industry Reputation:

The social media growth service industry, in general, has a mixed reputation. While some users report positive experiences, others have faced issues with account suspensions or low-quality engagement.


In conclusion, while appears to be a legitimately operating business, users should carefully consider the potential risks and ethical implications before using such services. It’s always recommended to prioritize organic growth strategies that focus on creating high-quality content and genuine engagement with your audience.


Use Cases for UseViral

UseViral’s services can be applied in various scenarios across different industries and user types. Here are some potential use cases:


New Social Media Accounts:

Individuals or businesses launching new social media accounts might use UseViral to quickly establish a base level of social proof. For example, a new Instagram business account might purchase followers and likes to appear more established and credible to potential customers.


Influencers and Content Creators:

Aspiring influencers or content creators might use UseViral to boost their visibility and attract organic followers. For instance, a YouTube content creator might buy views for their videos to increase their chances of appearing in recommended videos.


Small Businesses:

Local businesses looking to establish an online presence might use UseViral to jumpstart their social media accounts. A new café, for example, might buy Facebook likes to appear more popular and attract local customers.


Personal Branding:

Professionals looking to enhance their personal brand might use UseViral to increase their LinkedIn connections or Twitter followers, potentially improving their perceived industry influence.


Music Promotion:

Independent musicians or small labels might use UseViral’s Spotify or SoundCloud services to increase play counts and followers, potentially improving their chances of being included in playlists or attracting industry attention.


Event Promotion:

Event organizers might use UseViral to boost engagement on event-related posts or pages, potentially increasing ticket sales or attendance.


Political Campaigns:

While ethically questionable, some political campaigns might use such services to appear more popular or influential on social media platforms.


Product Launches:

Companies launching new products might use UseViral to increase visibility of product-related content across various social media platforms.


Nonprofit Organizations:

Charities or NGOs might use UseViral to increase their social media reach, potentially attracting more donors or volunteers.


Competitive Edge:

In highly competitive industries, some businesses might use UseViral to maintain the appearance of being more popular or influential than their competitors on social media.


It’s Important to note that while these are potential use cases, users should carefully consider the ethical implications and potential risks associated with using such services. In many cases, focusing on organic growth strategies and creating high-quality, engaging content may be a more sustainable long-term approach.


UseViral Pricing Structure

UseViral offers a variety of packages across different social media platforms. Here’s a breakdown of their pricing structure for basic and pro plans on major platforms:



  • Basic Plan:
  • 100 Followers: $2.89
  • 500 Likes: $6.99
  • 1000 Views: $2.99
  • Pro Plan:
  • 5000 Followers: $39.99
  • 10,000 Likes: $49.99
  • 50,000 Views: $59.99


  • Basic Plan:
  • 100 Subscribers: $17.99
  • 1000 Views: $12.99
  • 100 Likes: $6.99
  • Pro Plan:
  • 5000 Subscribers: $199.99
  • 50,000 Views: $149.99
  • 1000 Likes: $39.99


  • Basic Plan:
  • 100 Followers: $3.99
  • 1000 Views: $3.99
  • 100 Likes: $2.99
  • Pro Plan:
  • 5000 Followers: $49.99
  • 50,000 Views: $69.99
  • 10,000 Likes: $49.99


  • Basic Plan:
  • 100 Followers: $3.99
  • 100 Retweets: $4.99
  • 100 Likes: $2.99
  • Pro Plan:
  • 5000 Followers: $69.99
  • 5000 Retweets: $79.99
  • 5000 Likes: $39.99


  • Basic Plan:
  • 100 Page Likes: $4.99
  • 100 Post Likes: $2.99
  • 1000 Video Views: $4.99
  • Pro Plan:
  • 5000 Page Likes: $89.99
  • 5000 Post Likes: $49.99
  • 50,000 Video Views: $79.99


  • Basic Plan:
  • 100 Followers: $3.99
  • 1000 Plays: $3.99
  • 100 Monthly Listeners: $9.99
  • Pro Plan:
  • 5000 Followers: $69.99
  • 50,000 Plays: $79.99
  • 5000 Monthly Listeners: $199.99


  • Basic Plan:
  • 100 Connections: $9.99
  • 100 Followers: $12.99
  • 100 Post Likes: $9.99
  • Pro Plan:
  • 1000 Connections: $79.99
  • 1000 Followers: $99.99
  • 1000 Post Likes: $89.99

It’s important to note that these prices are subject to change, and UseViral often offers discounts or promotional packages. They also offer custom packages for users with specific needs or larger campaigns.

Pros and Cons of Using UseViral


  • Quick Boost in Social Proof: UseViral can provide a rapid increase in followers, likes, and other engagement metrics, which can enhance the perceived popularity of an account.
  • Multi-platform Support: The service covers a wide range of social media platforms, allowing users to boost their presence across multiple channels.
  • Customizable Packages: Users can choose the exact amount of engagement they want to purchase, providing flexibility in their growth strategy.
  • No Password Required: For most services, UseViral doesn’t require users to share their social media passwords, enhancing security.
  • Gradual Delivery: The engagement is delivered over time, which can make the growth appear more natural.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Round-the-clock support is available for addressing any issues or concerns.
  • Retention Guarantee: UseViral offers to replenish any lost engagement within a specified time frame.


  • Potential Terms of Service Violations: Using such services may violate the terms of service of social media platforms, risking account penalties or suspensions.
  • Questionable Long-term Effectiveness: While these services can provide a short-term boost, they may not translate to genuine, long-term engagement.
  • Quality of Engagement: There’s a risk that the provided engagement comes from low-quality accounts or those not genuinely interested in the content.
  • Ethical Concerns: Some view the use of such services as unethical or misleading to potential followers or customers.
  • Cost: Regular use of these services can become expensive, especially for larger campaigns.
  • Potential Algorithm Penalties: Social media algorithms may detect and penalize artificial growth tactics.
  • Lack of Genuine Interaction: Purchased engagement doesn’t lead to real conversations or community building.
  • Dependence: Users may become reliant on these services to maintain their perceived popularity.
  • Inconsistent Results: The effectiveness of these services can vary, and results are not guaranteed.
  • Potential Negative Impact on Brand Reputation: If discovered, the use of such services could damage a brand’s credibility.

Trustpilot Review for UseViral

As of the last update, UseViral has a presence on Trustpilot, a popular consumer review website. Here’s a summary of the Trustpilot reviews for UseViral:

Overall Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars (based on over 1000 reviews)

Positive Reviews:

Many users report satisfaction with UseViral’s services, citing:

– Quick delivery of purchased engagement

– Noticeable increase in social media metrics

– Responsive customer service

– Easy-to-use website interface

Negative Reviews:

Some users have expressed dissatisfaction, mentioning:

– Engagement not lasting as long as expected

– Difficulty in getting refunds for unsatisfactory services

– Concerns about the quality of followers or engagement received

– Some instances of delayed delivery

It’s important to note that online reviews should be taken with a grain of salt, as they can be manipulated or may not represent the full spectrum of user experiences. Additionally, the effectiveness and satisfaction with social media growth services can vary greatly depending on individual expectations and circumstances.


When considering UseViral or any similar service, it’s crucial to:

  1. Research thoroughly and read multiple reviews from different sources
  2. Understand the potential risks and limitations of using such services
  3. Consider the long-term implications for your social media strategy
  4. Weigh the pros and cons against organic growth methods

In conclusion, while UseViral offers a range of services to boost social media presence across multiple platforms, users should carefully consider the potential benefits and risks before utilizing such services. It’s always recommended to focus on creating high-quality, engaging content and building genuine connections with your audience for sustainable long-term growth on social media.
